door Jonas Van Orshoven, Joyce Ibens en Pauline Theunis

Let Trump, Poetin and Merkel for what they are. What if students rule nations and have to negotiate on an international level? Model United Nations in a nutshell. From the 9th untill the 12th of March the Hof van Liere is once again the background for inspiring speeches, mysterious back-room politics and a crowd of brilliant students, the world leaders of tomorrow. They negotiate about the hot potatoes in international politics, without forgetting the diplomatic parties.

dwars got hold of the diary of four MUN'rs: will Jonas and Joseph succeed in bringing the UN Security Council to a world without atomic weapons? And what about Europe? Do Joyce and Pauline see to more gender equality and prevent forced labour and slavery?

door Jonas Van Orshoven, Joseph Steimetz, Joyce Ibens en Pauline Theunis

Let Trump, Poetin and Merkel for what they are. What if students rule nations and have to negotiate on an international level? Model United Nations in a nutshell. From the 9th untill the 12th of March the Hof van Liere is once again the background for inspiring speeches, mysterious back-room politics and a crowd of brilliant students, the world leaders of tomorrow. They negotiate about the hot potatoes in international politics, without forgetting the diplomatic parties.

dwars got hold of the diary of four MUN'rs: will Jonas and Joseph succeed in bringing the UN Security Council to a world without atomic weapons? And what about Europe? Do Joyce and Pauline see to more gender equality and prevent forced labour and slavery?

door Jonas Van Orshoven, Joseph Steimetz, Joyce Ibens en Pauline Theunis

Let Trump, Poetin and Merkel for what they are. What if students rule nations and have to negotiate on an international level? Model United Nations in a nutshell. From the 9th untill the 12th of March the Hof van Liere is once again the background for inspiring speeches, mysterious back-room politics and a crowd of brilliant students, the world leaders of tomorrow. They negotiate about the hot potatoes in international politics, without forgetting the diplomatic parties.

dwars got hold of the diary of four MUN'rs: will Jonas and Joseph succeed in bringing the UN Security Council to a world without atomic weapons? And what about Europe? Do Joyce and Pauline see to more gender equality and prevent forced labour and slavery?

dwars slijpt het virtuele fileermes en gaat langs de graat van boeken, films, series, games, muziek, theater, haarproducten en rubberen eendjes. Redacteur Jonathan aanschouwde hoe The xx het geniale van zijn neo-noire verschijning live tot zijn recht liet komen.

“Excuse me, do you know the way to Wilrijk?”, I ask the old lady in the car at the red light. She is a little bit shocked, looks at me and my bicycle, and says: “Oh it's so far, and it's difficult to describe.” She does her very best to guide me and even misses the green light because of me. Everyone thinks I am crazy to bike from the city to my ‘kot’ one hour away. I must be, since I even don't know the way and I find myself alone and without a map at 9 pm at 3 degrees. But no one knows this is my first time riding a bike in a city, as an adult girl at least.

dwars continues to sharpen its already razor-sharp tongue to mercilessly lick the spine of books, movies, series, games, music, theatre, hair products and rubber ducks. On the this week's menu: the concert of Dominik Eulberg in Antwerp's techno church Café d'Anvers through the eyes of Erasmusstudent Florian.

Een paar dagen nadat de Oscars Los Angeles en de wereld hebben overgenomen, neemt Lingua's Kortfilmfestival 't Stad over. In het Antwerpse stralen studenten op de rode loper van Theater Elckerlyc. Waar de sterren van Hollywood vooral op de best dressed list proberen te belanden, wordt er in Antwerpen enthousiast met elkaar gesproken over het studentenleven. Voor een avond wordt de hele filmelite aan de kant geschoven en geldt als maatstaf maar een ding: liefde voor de film. En zoals over La La Land al talloze recensies werden geschreven, worden nu ook de films van het kortfilmfestival al op voorhand op de proef gesteld.

Op 16 februari verliep voor heel wat studenten de deadline voor een Erasmusaanvraag. Het uitwisselingsprogramma Erasmus viert dit jaar zijn dertigste verjaardag en is populairder dan ooit. Zo’n 5.325 Vlaamse studenten volgden hiermee vorig academiejaar een deel van hun studies in het buitenland. Toch zijn er ook veel studenten die de deadline missen, geweigerd worden (zie dwars 104) of die Erasmus gewoon niks voor hen vinden. Ook aan deze studenten biedt de Universiteit Antwerpen nog enkele (minder bekende) internationale ervaringen aan.

The homo sapiens studentus is a special species. Next to the typical activity of studying, the members of this species are known as real lovers of (night)life. But do they have other secrets to unfold? dwars finds out in their natural habitat, the student dorm.