Jonas Van Orshoven, Joseph Steimetz, Joyce Ibens en Pauline Theunis
Let Trump, Poetin and Merkel for what they are. What if students rule nations and have to negotiate on an international level? Model United Nations in a nutshell. From the 9th untill the 12th of March the Hof van Liere is once again the background for inspiring speeches, mysterious back-room politics and a crowd of brilliant students, the world leaders of tomorrow. They negotiate about the hot potatoes in international politics, without forgetting the diplomatic parties.
dwars got hold of the diary of four MUN'rs: will Jonas and Joseph succeed in bringing the UN Security Council to a world without atomic weapons? And what about Europe? Do Joyce and Pauline see to more gender equality and prevent forced labour and slavery?
Joseph Steimetz  (Ambassador of the USA)
Saturday, the 12th of March 2017
The third day of the MUN is falling on a Saturday and because I am a religious Jew I had the Sabbath in which I have to refrain myself from using any sort of electronics or participate in the sessions for almost the entire day, so this diary will be shorter than the previous ones.
However I did attend the last hour, hour and a half.
Eventhough I’ve missed most of the day and wasn’t able to read the ongoing working papers, it was still a worthyfull day for me since I’ve heard some new issues being worked on in which I’ll gladly participate on Sunday.
That’s basically it.
Jonas Van Orshoven  (Ambassadeur van Rusland)
Saturday, the 12th of March 2017
Message from the dwars editors:
As of yesterday we no longer have contact with His Excellence Ambassador Jonas Van Orshoven. The recent murder on the Russian ambassador in Turkey and the sudden death of Van Orshoven's predecessor Vitali Tsjoerkin, Russian ambassador to the UN, proves that the world of diplomatics can be dangerous. Acts of revenge cannot be ruled out. The mysterious 'Sabbat' period the Ambassador of the United States was taking yesterday, giving him no alibi, certainly is suspicious.
Did you see or hear mister Van Orshoven, please contact us as soon as possible at contact@dwars.be. Discretion is assured.
Joyce Ibens  (President of Romania)
Saturday, the 12th of March 2017
I can honestly say that the European Council had a very productive day. Slovenia, Lithuania and myself put forward a draft resolution on the general wellbeing of citizens with a focus on modern slavery, human trafficking and forced labour. Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark also discussed on a proposal for a resolution, sponsored by Austria, Greece, Ireland. Their draft resolution was in my opinion very elaborated, so a thorough discussion was in order.
We started an unmoderated caucus to examine both resolutions in order to redefine them. I cannot informally share the specific content yet, but I can tell you that we focused on political and decision-making empowerment through obligated representation of both genders. A reform of education on gender stereotyping and social awareness of gender equality was one of our most important topics as well. Especially the head of state of Slovenia and myself persisted on efficient socio-economical re-integration of human traffic and domestic violence victims. I can fortunately say that most of the delegates were quite fresh today.
Yesterday evening we all participated at a quiz. I formed a team with the heads of states of Spain, Greece, the Netherlands and Denmark. A bit hungover admittedly, we ended up second to last, not that bad right? Some other delegates did go out afterwards and enjoyed a great party. This lead to their absence this morning. I was actually late as well so I was punished by the chairs together with Hungary, Belgium and Finland. We were obliged to come up with a poem regarding our topic on gender equality. Fortunately the head of State of Luxembourg saved us on this by writing an exquisite text for us!
Besides being productive we were also very excited for our Lustrum gala tonight. During lunch break I invited all delegates for some drinks and some games. Actually, I have to get ready now so more news on the gala tomorrow!
Noroc! **
** Cheers in Romanian
Pauline Theunis  (Presidente van Slovenië)
Saturday, the 12th of March 2017
The quiz yesterday was great fun. We finished second, second to last that is ;-).
Today we filed many motions. Romania and Slovenia advocated to decriminalize prostitution. Actually, this was primarily a message to Lithuania, since in the rest of the countries prostitution has already been legalized.
The debates were also much more efficient today. Consensus was reached on most of the points in our draft paper. The issue of quotas, however, came up again, resulting in a heated argument. Finland and Ireland were too late today, too bad.
Now, we are preparing for the prom, the pre-drink is at Romania's, which cannot be bad (vodka!). On to tomorrow!
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